Saturday, August 24, 2013


Different baby shower games

  • Write down as many Sesame Street characters as you can in 3 minutes; live people and/or puppets. The most characters wins.
  • Interview the husband and ask him questions about his wife's pregnancy (her cravings, her favorite and least favorite part about being pregnant, what she's looking forward to the most, etc.) and see how many answers you can match.
  • Put out 20+ baby items on a tray, give people 1 minute to memorize as many as they can, then give them 3 minutes to list as many items as they can remember. The most items remembered wins.
  • Take the labels off of 5-10 baby food jars and number the lids with permanent marker. People have to guess, without opening the jar, what the baby food is. The mom gets to keep the food when she's done. Be sure to write down a key of what the food is before you take the labels off!
  • Melt various candy bars in diapers and have people guess what type of candy it is. Most of them look like nasty poop, so this one is pretty funny.
  • Write the baby-to-be's name, or the mom + dad's names at the top of the paper. Give everyone 3 minutes to create as many words as possible using only the letters from the names. If anyone else has the same word they have to cross it off. Whoever has the most words left wins.
  • Name as many baby items as you can think of in 3 minutes. If anyone has the same item you have to cross it off your paper. Whoever has the most items left wins.
  • Guess how many toilet paper squares it takes to make it around the mom-to-be's belly.
  • Each person cuts a string to be the length they think will measure the exact size of mom-to-be's belly. The person with the string that fits around her belly the closest wins.
  • Write the baby-to-be's name or the mom or dad's name vertically down the left side of the paper. People must come up with a "baby thing" for each letter of the person's name. For example, ANN might be: Apple sauce, Nap time, Nuk binkies. You try to match what the mom will write on her paper. The most matches wins.

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